A few months back Amber Rose was on Foxxhole Radio throwing shade at Kanye's ex-fiancee Alexis Phifer. Alexis decided to address Amber as well as other questions concerning life with and post Kanye with Vibe. Read what she had to say inside!
Another one of Kanye’s exes, Amber Rose, once went on the radio and said something to the effect of “You see Kanye’s other ex, he was with her for six years, took her the same places and no one even remembers her name now…” Did that sting?
I believe that you get what you want out of a situation and Kanye will tell you, that I didn’t [want that attention]. It’s weird. I’ll get on the red carpet and over-criticize myself. I don’t want that attention. She wanted that and that’s what she got out of it. But if I want to go to King magazine [Ed Note: This interview was conducted prior to Amber Rose's June 2011 King cover] right now and be in a sexy bathing suit I’m sure I’d generate some type of interest.
It’s just the decisions you make that put you where you are. She is where she’s at because that’s where she wants to be and I’m where I’m at because that’s where I want to be also. I was kind of like “Girl please.” I just laughed that off, brushed that one right off my shoulders. She doesn’t really know what she’s saying, so I can’t even be mad at her. She doesn’t even know the half.
What was your reaction to seeing those two for the first time?
I think that at that point, you know sometimes you go through things and you’re like “I just want to do something different” and I think that’s what he was experiencing at that time so he just did something different. Not to say that she’s bad and I’m good, nothing like that, but that’s just what he wanted at that time.
If you had to give any type of advice to Amber since she’s now an infamous Kanye West ex, what you would tell her?
I have no comment on that. I just have no words for her. But I wish her luck in her future, everybody deserves somebody.
Let’s put one more rumor to rest – did you ever have a gag order?Hell no! Because seriously when Kanye and I first met he wasn't as major as he is now and we were real friends, so how do I ask my friend who's been there for so long and all of sudden be like ‘You can't say this.’ Like no, I'm not doing that. He wouldn't even ask.
Has it been hard getting rid of that tag of being ‘Ye’s fiancée? Is that something you consciously wanted to rid yourself of?Read more on vibe.com
No, it was just a part of my life, but I’m really confident in who I am and what it is I do. Anybody who meets me and gets to know me, I don’t think it would sway their decision either way on whether they like me or not. Either they will or they won’t.
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